Adobe Highlight Keyboard Shortcut


I have done a bit of searching and cannot find a keyboard shortcut for this command in Microsoft Word 2007. I am not talking about simply making a text selection. (that would be a no brainer) What I would like to do is select some text and toggle the background color so it appears as if it were marked with a yellow highlighter.

Is there any way to do this with a keyboard shortcut?

Saul DolginSaul Dolgin

6 Answers

You can set them in Word Options, Customize, Keyboard Shortcuts.

Edit: Actually, it's already Ctrl + Alt + H.

Daniel A. WhiteDaniel A. White
Dan WalkerDan Walker

You can set them in Word Options, Customize, Keyboard Shortcuts.

Goto 'Tools' menu and select 'Highlight' option

Assign keyboard shortcut to it like 'Ctrl+H'

Manoj GuptaManoj Gupta

You can easily create your own macros for that, using the Word Macro recorder.

  1. highlight a word or phrase
  2. Start the macro recorder (Tools - Macro - Record new macro)
  3. assign the macro a name, define if it should be stored in or the current file, assign a keyboard shortcut (after all this, you'll close the dialogs and end up with a recording icon)
  4. format your selected text
  5. Stop the macro recorder

First, you make sure you have the right color. Then highlight with your curser and press. Ctrl+ alt + H . After that, you can just highlight it with your cursor and tapped «Ctrl + alt + H ».


Use Alt+H+I to select the color to start with and then keep using that color with Ctrl+Alt+H till the time you need to change the color.

Sangram TakmoogeSangram Takmooge

protected by bwDracoMar 7 '16 at 2:00

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