Game Where You Are Evil

Posted by6 years ago

Reverse horror games where you play as the monster/killer/villain?

So, /r/gaming had a front page thread about a game concept where you played as either a movie monster, or a group of victims, and both battle it out using neat tricks to try and 'win'. (source:

What I want to know is.. Can anybody think of some games that already exist that may contain elements of this premise? I really like the idea of being on the empowered end of the horror game spectrum, and I've even played a few games that have tried somewhat to do this. But I've never really found anything quite what I'm thinking of, and I wonder if anybody else can think of examples.

Some games I can think of are:

Jaws Unleashed (PS2) Ghost Master (PC) Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 (PC) Haunting (Genesis) Overlord 1 & 2 (Multiple) Apple ethernet usb drivers for windows 10.

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Most are not without their flaws. Ghost Master and Haunting are very 'PG13' and it's more about spooking people than hunting and harming them. Jaws Unleashed just plain isn't very good. Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 are great games sure enough, but they're more concerned with the rigors of making a dungeon for adventurers to die in than about the actual horror game stuff. And the less said about Overlord the better..

So now I find myself stuck for any further ideas and wondering what might still exist out on the fringes beyond my knowledge. I'm constantly surprised to find cool indie games that are tackling ideas I've long wanted to see I know that much. Any help?

93% Upvoted

I don't know of any, if there is please let me know.

I'm tired of rpg's having lame whiney little d-bags for protagonists. Take Tales of Graces f for example. Asbel is kind of a douche. Don't get me wrong, the game is great, combat system is great, the initial story is decent, but I didn't like Asbel and the whole 'freindship theme' of the game. It was cheesy as could be and almost intolerable at times for me.

Even games where you are the good guy, but you are a badazz. I hate little cheesy d-bag protagonists.

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